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Item Property
Hash Table Class

Public Property Get Item( _
    ByVal vNumber As Long _
    ) As Variant

Return the Item at a specific numeric position within the hash table.

       Dim htTemp As New HashTable
       htTemp.Add "SubName", 23
       htTemp.Add "FunctionName", 24
       Dim varTemp As Variant
    for example
       varTemp = htTemp.Item(2)
       varTemp = 24
vNumber: Position of the hash table entry whose Item should be returned. Generates a runtime error if vNumber is not between 1 and Count.
See also:
    Key Property
    Items Property
v1.5 Addition: This property is new to version 1.5 of Entisoft Tools.

Public Property Let Item( _
      ByVal vNumber As Long _
    , ByVal vItem As Variant _

Assign a value to the Item at a specific numeric position within the hash table when Item is NOT an Object.

       Dim htTemp As New HashTable
       htTemp.Add "SubName", 23
       htTemp.Add "FunctionName", 24
    for example
       htTemp.Item(2) = "PropertyName"
vItem: The Item Property of the hash table entry in position vNumber is changed to vItem. Generates a runtime error if vNumber is not between 1 and Count.

Public Property Set Item( _
      ByVal vNumber As Long _
    , ByVal vItem As Variant _

Assign a value to the Item at a specific numeric position within the hash table when Item IS an Object.

       Dim htTemp As New HashTable
       htTemp.Add "SubName", 23
       htTemp.Add "FunctionName", 24
    for example
       Set htTemp.Item(2) = Nothing
vItem: The Item Property of the hash table entry in position vNumber is changed to the Object vItem. Generates a runtime error if vNumber is not between 1 and Count.

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