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Write Profile String Function
Windows API Class

Public Function WriteProfileString( _
      Optional ByVal vKeyName As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vValue As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vSectionName As Variant _
    ) As Boolean

Write a Key Name and Value pair into the Windows Registry.

       Dim estWAPI As New WindowsAPI
       estWAPI.ProfileSectionName = "Sample Section"
    for example
       estWAPI.WriteProfileString("Convert From", "5 kilometers") = True
See also:
    GetProfileString Function
    GetProfileInt Function
    WritePrivateProfileString Function
    ProfileSectionName Property
    WriteProfileString Function (Windows API)
vKeyName: Name of the String setting whose value is to be written. Function returns Null if vKeyName is Null or cannot be fixed-up to a String.
vValue: The string Value that will be associated with the Name vKeyName. If vValue is Null, the Setting (Name and Value pair) with Name vKeyName will be removed. vValue defaults to Null if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed-up to a string.
vSectionName: The Section within the Profile file or Windows Registry into which the Setting will be written. vSectionName defaults to the current value of the ProfileSectionName Property if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed-up to a String.
v1.3 Change: Removed 16-bit support from this function.

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