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Proper Case Function
String Words Class

Public Function ProperCase( _
    ByVal vValue As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Convert a string to its proper-case equivalent.
The first character of each alphabetic word is converted to its upper-case equivalent and the remaining alphabetic characters are converted to their lower-case equivalent.

    ProperCase("This is a TEST.") = "This Is A Test."
See also:
    ProperCaseInPlace Function
    StrConv Function (Visual Basic 4+)
Note: Visual Basic 4 Users should consider using the built-in StrConv function because this function uses the Entisoft Tools character classification functions.

vValue: String containing the English or Indo-European language phrase which is to be proper-cased. Function returns Null if vValue is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.

Note: Function uses the built-in character classification routines to determine which characters are upper-case and lower-case.
Note: Function only works for characters in the ANSI Windows character set because it uses the built-in Visual Basic UCase$() and LCase$() functions.

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