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Right Of First Match Fast Function
String Searches Class

Public Function RightOfFirstMatchFast( _
      ByRef vLine As String _
    , ByRef vFind As String _
    , ByRef vCompare As VbCompareMethod _
    , ByRef vIfNotFound As String _
    ) As String

Return the portion of vLine after the first occurrence of vFind, else return vIfNotFound.
If a match is found, it does not include the matching text in the string that is returned.
Faster version of the RightOfFirstMatch function which uses restrictive argument types to avoid argument fix-up code.

    RightOfFirstMatchFast("This is a test.", "is", vbTextCompare, "") = " is a test."
    RightOfFirstMatchFast("This is a test.", "sample", vbTextCompare, "Not found.") = "Not found."
See also:
    RightOfFirstMatch Function
vLine: The string which is to be searched from left-to-right for the appearance of string vFind.
vFind: The string which is to be searched for within string vLine. Function returns vLine if vFind is an empty string.
vCompare: Specifies the type of comparison used to determine if strings match.
vIfNotFound: The string which is to be returned if vFind does not appear within vLine.

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