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Number To Base X Function
Math Miscellaneous Class

Public Function NumberToBaseX( _
      ByVal vNum As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vBase As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Convert a long integer to a string representing the number in a different number base.

    NumberToBaseX(1234, 2) = "10011010010"
    NumberToBaseX(1234, 8) = "2322"
    NumberToBaseX(1234, 16) = "4D2"
    NumberToBaseX(1234, 36) = "YA"
    NumberToBaseX(-1234, 8) = "-2322" ' #5
    NumberToBaseX(123456789, 2) = "111010110111100110100010101"
    NumberToBaseX(123456789, 8) = "726746425"
    NumberToBaseX(123456789, 16) = "75BCD15"
    NumberToBaseX(123456789, 36) = "21I3V9"
See also:
    BaseXToNumber Function
    BaseXToLong Function
    ExcelColumnNumberToLetters Function
    Hex$ Function (Visual Basic)
    Oct$ Function (Visual Basic)
Summary: This function can convert a number to any base between 2 and 36. Use base 2 for binary numbers, base 8 for octal numbers, base 10 for decimal numbers, base 16 for hexadecimal numbers, and base 36 for alphanumeric numbers.

vNum: The base-10 number that is to be converted to a base between 2 and 36. Function returns Null if vNum is Null or cannot be fixed up to a number.

vBase: The base to which vNum will be converted then returned as a string. vBase defaults to 10 (ten) if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to a number (that would be similar to calling the Visual Basic CStr function).

Return value: This function may return a string which begins with a minus sign ("-") indicating that vNum was negative as in example #5.

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