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Arabic To Roman Function
Math Miscellaneous Class

Public Function ArabicToRoman( _
    ByVal vValue As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Convert an Arabic number between 1 and 3,999,999 into a Roman number, using the Classic form.
Roman numerals representing 1, 5, 10, etc. are lower case.
Roman numerals representing 5,000 and above are upper case.

    ArabicToRoman(1) = "I"
    ArabicToRoman(2000) = "MM"
    ArabicToRoman(1999) = "MCMXCIX"
    ArabicToRoman(1996) = "MCMXCVI"
    ArabicToRoman(#4/20/1996#) = "MCMXCVI" ' #5
    ArabicToRoman(1234567) = "mccxxxMvDLXVII"
    ArabicToRoman(-34) = ""
    ArabicToRoman(123) = "CXXIII"
    ArabicToRoman(123.45) = "CXXIII"
    ArabicToRoman(678) = "DCLXXVIII"
    ArabicToRoman(#1/5/678#) = "DCLXXVIII" ' #11
See also:
    RomanToArabic Function
    ArabicDigitToRoman Function
    ROMAN Function (Microsoft Excel)
Note: In the Roman numeral system, a line across the top of the letter means multiply by 1,000. Since there is no standard computer character for these Roman numerals, this function returns the lower-case version of the character. Upper-case letters have the standard translations (i.e. I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, etc.) and lower-case letters represent the corresponding value times 1,000 (i.e. v = 5,000, x = 10,000, etc.). Any Roman number greater than or equal to 4,000 will contain at least one of these lower-case letters.

vValue: The number or date whose Roman equivalent will be returned. Function returns Null if vValue is Null or cannot be fixed up to a number or date.
Note: If vValue is a Date, this function will return the Roman number for the Year component of the Date (as in examples #5 and #11), instead of converting the date to a number (which is the usual way to fix-up Dates to Numbers).

Function returns an empty string ("") if vValue is less than 1 (one) or greater than 3,999,999.

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