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Format DMSH Function
Formats Justifies Class

Public Function FormatDMSH( _
    ByVal vValue As Variant _
    ) As Variant

"Format Degrees Minutes Seconds Hemisphere"
Formats a string representing degrees, minutes, seconds, and hemisphere.
Converts something like "1234321W" into something like "123^ 43" 21' W"

    FormatDMSH("1234321W") = "123" + Chr$(176) + " 43"" 21' W"
    FormatDMSH(" 654321N") =  "65" + Chr$(176) + " 43"" 21' N"
where Chr$(176) is the small-circle symbol representing degrees.
See also:
    DecimalToHMS Function
    HMSToDecimal Function
vValue: The 7 or 8 character string containing the latitude or longitude reading to which formatting characters will be added. Function returns Null if vValue is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.

Function returns vValue unchanged if it is not 7 or 8 characters long.

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