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Format File Table Function
File Operations Class

Public Function FormatFileTable( _
      ByVal vFileName As Variant _
    , ByVal vColumnSeparator As Variant _
    , ByVal vRowSeparator As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Aligns all of the columns within a delimited table that is read from a file.

    ? StringToFile("1|22|333" & vbCrLf & "This|is|a|test.", "Table.Tmp")
    ? FileToString("Table.Tmp")
    ? FormatFileTable("Table.Tmp", "|", vbCrLf)
    1   |22|333|
    This|is|a  |test.
See also:
    WrapFileLines Function
    FileToString Function
    StringToVariantMatrix Function
    FormatVariantMatrix Function
vFileName: Name of the file containing the delimited text. Function returns Null if vFileName is Null or cannot be fixed-up to a String. Function also returns Null if the file does not exist or cannot be read.
vColumnSeparator: String that separates columns within the delimited text. vColumnSeparator defaults to Null if it is missing or cannot be fixed-up to a String. When vColumnSeparator is Null, there is no column separator, meaning that the entire row will be treated as one column.
vRowSeparator: String that separates rows within the delimited text. vRowSeparator defaults to Null if it is missing or cannot be fixed-up to a String. When vRowSeparator is Null, there is no row separator, meaning that the entire String (the entire file) will be treated as one row (this single row can still have multiple columns).

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