Character Types Class

Entisoft Tools 2.0 Object Library
Version 2.0.6 Released 1999/11/14 03:27
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Declarations Section, CapitalizeLike Function, CharacterTableAlphanumeric Property, CharacterTableDecimal Property, CharacterTableHexadecimal Property, ComposeCharacter Function, ComposeCharacterSample Sub, CType Property, CTypeANSI Property, CTypeUSASCII Property, EveryCharacter Property, EveryCharacterOfType Function, EveryCharacterWithinRange Function, IsAlNum Function, IsAlpha Function, IsCarriage Function, IsCntrl Function, IsConsonant Function, IsDigit Function, IsGraph Function, IsLower Function, IsNotLowerCase Function, IsNotUpperCase Function, IsPrint Function, IsPunct Function, IsSpace Function, IsUpper Function, IsVowel Function, IsXDigit Function, LCaseInPlace Function, LTrimInPlace Function, NonExtendedCharacters Property, RTrimInPlace Function, SwapUpperAndLowerCase Function, ToLower Function, ToNonExtended Function, ToUpper Function, TrimInPlace Function, UCaseInPlace Function

Declarations Section
Capitalize Like Function
Capitalize vString according to how corresponding characters in vPattern are capitalized.
Character Table Alphanumeric Property
Return a string containing a table of the ASCII values of the alphanumeric characters.
Character Table Decimal Property
Return a string containing the character table with decimal number headings.
Character Table Hexadecimal Property
Return a string containing the character table with hexadecimal number headings.
Compose Character Function
Take a two-character string like "a." or ".a" and return the corresponding accented character like A-umlaut, etc. Compose an accented alphabetic or other extended character from a two-character sequence usually consisting of one alphabetic and one punctuation character.
Compose Character Sample Sub
Sample Sub which illustrates the translations supported by the ComposeCharacter function.
C Type Property
Return the current character classification (CType) string. "Initialize Character Types" Initialize the character classification handling functions.
C Type ANSI Property
"ANSI Character Types" Property whose string value defines the classification of characters within the ANSI C character set. The character at position X represents the classification of the character with ASCII value X - 1.
C Type USASCII Property
"US ASCII Character Types" Property whose string value defines the classification of characters within the US ASCII character set. The character at position X represents the classification of the character with ASCII value X - 1.
Every Character Property
Return a string that contains every character in the character set whose ASCII value is between 0 (zero) and 255. First character has ASCII value 0 (zero), second character has ASCII value 1 (one), etc.
Every Character Of Type Function
Accepts one of the Char.. constants and returns all of the characters of that type according to the currently-loaded character classification. The character classification definitions for the ANSI Windows character set are loaded by default.
Every Character Within Range Function
"Every Character Within ASCII Range" Create a string containing every character whose ASCII value is within the specified range.
Is Al Num Function
"Is Character Alphanumeric" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is alphanumeric (either alphabetic like "A".."Z", "a".."z", or numeric like "0".."9"). Return False otherwise.
Is Alpha Function
"Is Character Alphabetic" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is alphabetic ("A".."Z", "a".."z"; includes accented characters such as C-circumflex within the definitions for the ANSI Windows character set). Function returns False otherwise.
Is Carriage Function
"Is Character Carriage Control" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a carriage control character (like carriage return, line feed, form feed, etc.). Function returns False otherwise.
Is Cntrl Function
"Is Character Control" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a control character (like Ctrl+A..Ctrl+Z). Return False otherwise.
Is Consonant Function
Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a consonant. The pre-programmed definitions for the ANSI Windows character set consider consonants to be those alphabetic characters which are not considered vowels.
Is Digit Function
"Is Character Numeric Digit" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a numeric digit ("0", "1", .. "9"). Return False otherwise.
Is Graph Function
"Is Character Graphical" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a "graphical" character; return False otherwise. The "graph" classification includes alphanumeric (alphabetical and numeric) and punctuation characters.
Is Lower Function
"Is Character Lower Case Alphabetic" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a lower-case alphabetic character ("a"..."z", accented lower-case characters like c-circumflex, etc.). Return False otherwise.
Is Not Lower Case Function
Return True if string vValue does NOT contain Lower Case characters; return False otherwise.
Is Not Upper Case Function
Return True if string vValue does NOT contain Upper Case characters; return False otherwise.
Is Print Function
"Is Character Printable" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a "printable" character; return False otherwise. The "print" classification includes alphanumeric (alphabetical and numeric), punctuation, and whitespace characters. Combination of characters from the "graph" and "whitespace" classifications.
Is Punct Function
"Is Character Punctuation" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a punctuation character; return False otherwise. Punctuation characters include comma, period, quote mark, etc.
Is Space Function
"Is Character Space" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a "space" character; return False otherwise. The "space" classification include whitespace characters (Chr$(32) and Chr$(160)) and carriage control characters (carriage return, line feed, form feed, etc.).
Is Upper Function
"Is Character Upper Case Alphabetic" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is an upper-case alphabetic character ("A"..."Z", accented upper-case characters like C-circumflex, etc.). Return False otherwise.
Is Vowel Function
Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a vowel. Within the pre-programmed definitions for the ANSI Windows character set, the characters A, E, I, O, U, a, e, i, o, u, and their accented foreign-language equivalents to be vowels.
Is X Digit Function
"Is Character Hexadecimal Digit" Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a hexadecimal digit ("0".."9", "A".."F", "a".."f"). Return False otherwise.
L Case In Place Function
"Lower Case In Place" Convert the string argument rValue to lower-case and also return that value.
L Trim In Place Function
"Left Trim In Place" Remove the leading spaces from the string argument rValue and also return that value.
Non Extended Characters Property
Property whose string value contains the "non-extended" version of each of the characters in the ANSI Windows character set. The character at position X represents the non-extended version of the character with ASCII value X - 1.
R Trim In Place Function
"Right Trim In Place" Remove the trailing spaces from the string argument rValue and also return that value.
Swap Upper And Lower Case Function
Replace all lower-case alphabetic characters with their upper-case equivalent, and replace all upper-case characters with their lower-case equivalent.
To Lower Function
"To Lower Case" Convert a character or a string to its lower-case equivalent; non-alphabetic characters remain unchanged.
To Non Extended Function
"To Non Extended Characters" Convert the "extended" characters within a string to their "non-extended" counterpart.
To Upper Function
"To Upper Case" Convert a character or a string to its upper-case equivalent; non-alphabetic characters remain unchanged.
Trim In Place Function
Remove both the leading and trailing spaces from the string argument rValue and also return that value.
U Case In Place Function
"Upper Case In Place" Convert the string argument rValue to upper-case and also return that value.

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