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VB Linker Function
VB Source Link Class

Public Function VBLinker( _
               ByVal vLibraryFilesList As String _
    , Optional ByVal vProjectFilesList As String = "" _
    , Optional ByVal vReadProjectFileFromClipboard As Boolean = False _
    , Optional ByVal vIncludeFileOrSubPattern As String = "*" _
    , Optional ByVal vSeparator As String = "|" _
    , Optional ByVal vRemoveLinesLike As String = "" _
    , Optional ByVal vRemoveStringsLike As String = "" _
    , Optional ByVal vCheckForConflicts As Boolean = False _
    , Optional ByVal vTopLevelOnly As Boolean = False _
    , Optional ByVal vStripAttributes As Boolean = False _
    , Optional ByVal vStripComments As Boolean = False _
    , Optional ByVal vAddModuleHeader As String = "" _
    , Optional ByVal vAddCopyrightNotice As String = "" _
    , Optional ByVal vOutputDestination As String = "Clipboard" _
    , Optional ByVal vToFileOrDirectory As String = "" _
    , Optional ByVal vWarnBeforeOverwritingFiles As Boolean = True _
    , Optional ByRef rToString As String _
    , Optional ByVal vVBAReservedWords As String = "" _
    ) As Boolean

"Visual Basic Linker" Creates the minimal version of VB/VBA functions/objects which are necessary to support some set of modules and/or functions. This is analogous to the linker phase of compilation.

See also:
    VBPreprocessor Function
    VBLinkerSample Subroutine
    VBProjectToHTMLFiles Function
    VBAReservedWords Property
    GetVBToken Function
v2.0 Changes: Made some major changes to the arguments that this function accepts.

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