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Reverse Function
Stack Class

Public Function Reverse( _
    ByVal vPosits As Long _
    ) As Boolean

Reverse the positions of the N items at the top of the stack.
Function returns True upon success and False upon failure.

       stkTemp.StringView() = "(Top) 4, 3, 2, 1 (Bottom)"
    for example
       stkTemp.Reverse(3) = True
       stkTemp.StringView() = "(Top) 2, 3, 4, 1 (Bottom)"
See also:
    RollDown Function
    RollUp Function
    Rotate Function
    Swap Function
vPosits: The number of stack items whose positions are to be reversed. The function does nothing and returns False if there are fewer than vPosits items on the stack.
v1.3 BugFix: This Function has been fixed to support the Reversal of elements from Stacks containing Object and/or DataObject type Values.

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