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Spell Time Function
Spellings Class

Public Function SpellTime( _
      Optional ByVal vDateTime As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vLimitMins As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vIncludeAMPM As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Spell the hour and minute components of a date-time value using English words.

    SpellTime(#12:01:23#, 10) = "One Past Noon"
    SpellTime(#12:15:23#, 10) = "Twelve Fifteen"
    SpellTime(#10:58:23#, 10) = "Two 'til Eleven"
    SpellTime(#10:58:23#, 20) = "Quarter Past Ten"
    SpellTime(#10:30:23#, 30) = "Half Past Ten"
    SpellTime(#22:30:23#, 30, True) = "Half Past Ten P.M."
    SpellTime(#22:30:23#, 10, False) = "Ten Thirty"
See also:
    DatesTimes Class
    SpellThreeDigitInteger Function
    SpellTimeSample Subroutine
vDateTime: Date-time value whose time component will be spelled using English words. vDateTime defaults to Now (the current time) if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to a Date.

vLimitMins: The maximum number of minutes before and after each hour for which the function will describe the time as "Minutes Past Hour" or "Minutes 'til Hour" instead of the more normal "Hour Minute". vLimitMins defaults to 10 (ten) if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to a number.

vIncludeAMPM: True if the "A.M." or "P.M." indicator should be added to the end of the result string. vIncludeAMPM defaults to False (the A.M./P.M. indicator will not be added) if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to a number.

Note: Function does support pre-1900 date/times.

Note: The time portion of vDateTime is rounded to the nearest minute using the Visual Basic CInt function.

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