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Sort Characters Indirect Function
Sort Orders Class

Public Function SortCharactersIndirect( _
      ByVal vSortKeys As Variant _
    , ByVal vSortData As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vSortOrder As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Performs an indirect sort of the characters within the string using a custom sort order.
Takes a sort order like "FEDCBA" and a sort key like "ABCDEF" and sort data like "123456" and produces "654321".
Result string will contain all of the characters from string vValue, NOT just the unique ones.

    SortCharactersIndirect("ABCDEF", "123456", "FEDCBA") = "654321"
    SortCharactersIndirect("214365", "UVWXYZ", "123456") = "VUXWZY"
See also:
    SortCharacters Function
    SortCharactersBinary Function
    SortCharactersByFrequency Function
vSortKeys: String containing characters whose ASCII values represents pointers to the positions of the data within the string vSortData. Function returns Null if vSortKeys is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.

vSortData: String containing characters which represent the data to be sorted. Function returns Null if vSortData is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.

vSortOrder: String containing characters which describe the sort order/collating sequence. The position of each character in this string represents the sequence of the character with that ASCII value within the collating sequence. vSortOrder defaults the string produced by the EveryCharacter function if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to a String. That string contains all the characters with ASCII values between 0 and 255, with those characters in sorted order based upon their ASCII value. This simulates the Binary sort order, making this function the same as (but slower than) SortCharactersBinary.

Algotithm: This function currently uses a Shell Sort.

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