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t CDF Function
Math Probability Class

Public Function tCDF( _
      ByVal vX As Variant _
    , ByVal vDF As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vTails As Variant = 2 _
    ) As Variant

t Cumulative Distribution Function

See also:
    tInverse Function
    tRandom Function
    tPDF Function
    Declarations Topic
    TDIST Function (Microsoft Excel)
vX: Function returns Null if vX cannot be fixed up to a Double precision floating point number.
vDF: Number of degrees of freedom. Number is rounded to the nearest integer. Function returns Null if vDF is less than or equal to zero (<=0).
vNumTails: The number of tails on the distribution, either one or two. Number is truncated to the nearest integer. Function returns Null if vNumTails is not either one (1) or two (2).

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