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Hyper Geometric PDF Function
Math Probability Class

Public Function HyperGeometricPDF( _
      ByVal vSmpSuc As Variant _
    , ByVal vNumSmp As Variant _
    , ByVal vPopSuc As Variant _
    , ByVal vNumPop As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Hypergeometric Probability Density Function

See also:
    HyperGeometricCDF Function
    HyperGeometricInverse Function
    HyperGeometricRandom Function
    Declarations Topic
    HYPGEOMDIST Function (Microsoft Excel)
vSmpSuc: Number of successes in the sample. Number is truncated to the nearest integer. Function returns Null if vSmpSuc cannot be fixed up to a Double precision floating point number.
vNumSmp: Size of the sample. Number is truncated to the nearest integer. Function returns Null if vNumSmp is less than one (<1) or greater than vNumPop.
vPopSuc: Number of successes in the population. Number is truncated to the nearest integer. Function returns Null if vPopSuc is less than one (<1) or greater than vNumPop.
vNumPop: Size of the population. Number is truncated to the nearest integer. Function returns Null if vNumPop is less than one (<1) or greater than either vNumSmp or vPopSuc.

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