Math Miscellaneous Class

Entisoft Tools 2.0 Object Library
Version 2.1 Build 208
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Declarations Section, ArabicDigitToRoman Function, ArabicToRoman Function, BaseXToLong Function, BaseXToNumber Function, ChebychevT Function, DegreesToDirection Function, DirectionToDegrees Function, FrequencyToBandNumber Function, MaxOfVarType Function, MinOfVarType Function, NumberToBaseX Function, RomanToArabic Function, TelevisionFrequency Function, TelevisionFrequencySample Sub, WindChill Function

Declarations Section
Arabic Digit To Roman Function
Returns an individual Roman numeral digit. Returns the Roman numeral which represents the number vDigit * 10 ^ vPowerOfTen.
Arabic To Roman Function
Convert an Arabic number between 1 and 3,999,999 into a Roman number, using the Classic form. Roman numerals representing 1, 5, 10, etc. are lower case. Roman numerals representing 5,000 and above are upper case.
Base X To Long Function
Convert a number whose base is assumed to be vBase into a Long (integer) value.
Base X To Number Function
Convert a number whose base is assumed to be vBase into a base-10 Double (precision floating-point) value.
Chebychev T Function
"Evaluate Chebychev T Polynomial"
Degrees To Direction Function
Return the compass direction from a measurement in degrees.
Direction To Degrees Function
Converts the abbreviation for a compass direction (N, SW, ENE, etc.) into a measurement in degrees (between 0 and 360).
Frequency To Band Number Function
Return the band number for a frequency measured in Hertz (cycles per second).
Max Of Var Type Function
"Maximum Value Of Numeric Data Type" Returns the maximum value of a numeric data type given its vb constant such as vbInteger, vbSingle, etc.
Min Of Var Type Function
"Minimum Value Of Numeric Data Type" Returns the minimum value of a numeric data type given its vb constant such as vbInteger, vbSingle, etc.
Number To Base X Function
Convert a long integer to a string representing the number in a different number base.
Roman To Arabic Function
Convert a Roman number into an Arabic number (as represented by a Long value).
Television Frequency Function
Return the frequency in MHz (Megahertz) assigned to some part of the television transmission for a specific channel. For example, return the frequency of the sound portion of the cable television channel 53.
Television Frequency Sample Sub
Print the picture and sound frequencies of all of the broadcast television channels.
Wind Chill Function
Wind chill for exposed human skin.

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