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Text Plot Function
Math Arithmetic Class

Public Function TextPlot( _
      ByRef vNums() As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vRows As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vCols As Variant _
    ) As String

Text plot of a series of X and Y numbers.
vNums(1, n) is the X value; vNums(2, n) is the Y value.

See the TextPlotAsterisk Sub et. al. for several examples of this function.
See also:
    TextPlotAsteriskSample Subroutine
    TextPlotQuadraticSample Subroutine
    TextPlotCubicSample Subroutine
    TextPlotRandomSample Subroutine
    TextPlotSineSample Subroutine
    TextPlotCosineSample Subroutine
vNums: A two-dimensional array of numeric values that are to be plotted. This array represents a table, with the first dimension being the column number and its second dimension being the row number. Within this table, there are two columns with the first representing the X coordinate and the second representing the Y coordinate. For example, vNums(1, X) represents the X coordinate of Point #X and vNums(2, X) represents the Y coordinate of Point #X. This function assumes that the points are stored between elements 1 and UBound(vNums, 2).
    vNums(1, 1) = Point #1 X coordinate.
    vNums(2, 1) = Point #1 Y coordinate.
    vNums(1, 2) = Point #2 X coordinate.
    vNums(2, 2) = Point #2 Y coordinate.
    UBound(vNums, 2) = # of Points.
vRows: The number of rows in the text plot that is returned. vRows defaults to 32 if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to a String. Function returns an empty string is vRows is less than one.

vCols: The number of columns in the text plot that is returned. vRows defaults to 60 if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to a String. Function returns an empty string is vCols is less than one.

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