Sub estShowMessage( _
    ByVal vMsg As Variant _

Copyright 1998 Entisoft

Sub estShowMessage( _
    ByVal vMsg As Variant _

Write a message to the Debug Window as well as display it on the Excel Status Bar.

Copyright 1998 Entisoft

estTrueForEveryCharacter EntisoftToolsPort Function -- Entisoft Tools 2.0 Object Library

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est True For Every Character Function
Entisoft Tools Port Module

Function estTrueForEveryCharacter( _
      ByVal vFunction As Variant _
    , ByVal vString As Variant _
    ) As Boolean

Applies a function which accepts an integer Character Code as an argument to the string, returning true if the applied function returns true for every line.

Copyright 1996-1999 Entisoft
Entisoft Tools is a trademark of Entisoft.