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Work Days Function
Dates Times Class

Public Function WorkDays( _
      ByVal vDate As Variant _
    , ByVal vAddBusinessDays As Variant _
    , ParamArray vHolidays() As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Add a number of business days to a date, taking into account holidays.
Similar to the AddBusinessDays function, but takes into account holidays, and slightly different when vDate is on a weekend.

    WorkDays(#1/1/99#, 45) = #3/5/99#
    WorkDays(#1/1/99#, -45) = #10/30/98#
    WorkDays(#1/1/99#, 45, Array(#2/22/99#, #3/15/99#)) = #3/8/99#
See also:
    WorkDaysTest Subroutine
    NumberWorkDays Function
    AddBusinessDays Function
    WORKDAY Function (Microsoft Excel)
Summary: This function considers work days to be the weekdays (Monday through Friday), minus any holidays that occur on a weekday.
vDate: The date to which a number of business days are added. Function returns Null if vDate is Null or cannot be interpreted as a Date. The time component of vDate (if any) is ignored.
vAddBusinessDays: The number of business days to be added to vDate. Function returns Null if vDate is Null or cannot be fixed up to a number. vAddBusinessDays can be negative, in which case a number of business days will be subtracted from vDate. vAddBusinessDays is truncated to a Long Integer number.
vHolidays: Optional holidays that are NOT to be considered work days. Can be numbers, one-dimensional numeric arrays, one-dimensional Variant arrays, one-dimensional Variant arrays with embedded arrays, or any combination of these. Any duplicate holidays within vHolidays will be ignored.
Note: This function returns the exact same results as the Microsoft Excel WORKDAY function.
v2.0 Addition: This function is new to this version of Entisoft Tools.

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