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Equal Quoted Value Function
Convert Values Class

Public Function EqualQuotedValue( _
    ByVal vValue As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Returns the string expression which can be used within a Microsoft SQL WHERE clause to search for the value vValue.

    EqualQuotedValue(CLng(1)) = "= 1&"
    EqualQuotedValue(CSng(2)) = "= 2!"
    EqualQuotedValue(CBool(0)) = "= False"
    EqualQuotedValue("Al") = "= ""Al"""
    EqualQuotedValue(Null) = "Is Null"
See also:
    DoubleQuoteString Function
    VariantToVBConstExpression Function
    VariantToVBEvalExpression Function
vValue: The value which is to be turned-into a string expression.

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