Array Conversions Class

Entisoft Tools 2.0 Object Library
Version 2.0.6 Released 1999/11/14 03:27
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Declarations Section, ReDimPreserveVariantCube Function, ReDimPreserveVariantMatrix Function, ReDimPreserveVariantVector Function, StringMatrixToVariantMatrix Function, StringToVariantMatrix Function, StringToVariantVector Function, StringVectorToVariantVector Function, VariantMatrixColumnToVector Function, VariantMatrixRowToVector Function, VariantMatrixToString Function, VariantMatrixToStringMatrix Function, VariantVectorToMatrixColumn Function, VariantVectorToMatrixRow Function, VariantVectorToString Function, VariantVectorToStringVector Function

Declarations Section
Re Dim Preserve Variant Cube Function
"Re-dimension Preserve Variant Cube" Redimensions a three-dimensional array of Variants. Preserves all elements that existed both before and after the re-dimension.
Re Dim Preserve Variant Matrix Function
"Re-dimension Preserve Variant Matrix" Redimensions a two-dimensional array of Variants. Preserves all elements that existed both before and after the re-dimension.
Re Dim Preserve Variant Vector Function
"Re-dimension Preserve Variant Vector" Redimensions a one-dimensional array of Variants. Preserves all elements that existed both before and after the re-dimension.
String Matrix To Variant Matrix Function
Convert a String matrix into a Variant matrix. Copies each of the elements of a two-dimensional String array into a two-dimensional array of Variant values.
String To Variant Matrix Function
Parse a delimited string into a two-dimensional array of Variants.
String To Variant Vector Function
Parse a delimited string into a one-dimensional array of Variants. Parse a string representing one row of delimited text, placing each column value into one array element.
String Vector To Variant Vector Function
Convert a String vector into a Variant vector. Copies each of the elements of a one-dimensional String array into a one-dimensional array of Variant values.
Variant Matrix Column To Vector Function
Copies a Column from a two-dimensionsional Variant array into a one-dimensional array.
Variant Matrix Row To Vector Function
Copies a Row from a two-dimensionsional Variant array into a one-dimensional array.
Variant Matrix To String Function
Assembles the elements of a two-dimensional Variant array into a String. Combine elements 1..UBound, 1..UBound of vLines into a String separated by vColumnSeparator. Separators are not included when there is only one element in the dimension.
Variant Matrix To String Matrix Function
Convert a Variant matrix into a String matrix. Copies each of the elements of a two-dimensional Variant array into a two-dimensional array of String values.
Variant Vector To Matrix Column Function
Overlays a one-dimensional Variant array onto a Column of a two-dimensional Variant array. The destination array must already have been dimensioned.
Variant Vector To Matrix Row Function
Overlays a one-dimensional Variant array onto a Row of a two-dimensional Variant array. The destination array must already have been dimensioned.
Variant Vector To String Function
Assembles the elements of a one-dimensional Variant array into a String. Combine elements 1..UBound of vLines into a String separated by vColumnSeparator. Column separator is not included when there is only one element in the array.
Variant Vector To String Vector Function
Convert a Variant vector into a String vector. Copies each of the elements of a one-dimensional Variant array into a one-dimensional array of String values.

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