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Knowledge Base: These notes describe problems we have encountered with Entisoft Tools.


Argument Names: (5/12/96) Most argument names are prefixed with 1) a one-letter code that describes whether the function (or Subroutine) will modify the argument, and 2) an abbreviation for the argument's data type. Arguments whose names begin with "v" are, in-effect, by-value because the Function will never modify such arguments, even if the function definition specifies pass-by-reference with ByRef. Arguments whose names begin with "r" are passed by-reference and will usually be modified by the called function. For example, an argument named "vSeparator" is (in-effect) by-value; it is a Variant (it's data type is flexible), and it represents some type of "separator."

BugFix Notes: (6/3/96) Certain bug fixes are described along with the version of Entisoft Tools to which the bug-fix was first applied. You can search the help for these notices by searching for the current version number of Entisoft Tools preceded by "v" and followed by the word "BugFix". For example, to search for bug fixes which appear in version 1.1 of Entisoft Tools, search for "v1.1 BugFix" using the (Windows Help) Search Find command.

Return Values; Runtime Errors: (7/1/96) Some functions return Boolean values to indicate success or failure. (They return True to indicate success and False to indicate failure.) Many of these functions can also generate runtime errors when more exceptional errors occur. For example, the DirToVariantVector function will do nothing and return False if any of its arguments are invalid, whereas it will generate a runtime error if Visual Basic runs out of memory within that function. Unless otherwise noted within the documentation, you must assume that all functions and subroutines are capable of generating runtime errors that will be returned to your program.

Function Name Suffixes: (5/25/96) Some function and subroutine names have a special suffix appended onto their name. The suffix indicates that the routine is related in some way to other functions which have the same suffix. The special suffixes include:
Alt: Routine uses an alternate algorithm to perform (essentially) the same function as another routine.
Array: Usually means that the primary argument can be an array of 1, 2, or 3 dimensions.
Benchmark: Purpose of routine is to demonstrate the performance of some other routine.
Binary: Routine uses Binary string comparisons, usually by virtue of the algorithm used within the function.
Cube: Usually means that the primary argument is a three-dimensional array of Variants.
Custom: Routine that mimics one of the built-in Visual Basic Functions or Statements but adds additional features.
Direct: Function manipulates array arguments directly assuming that neither argument can be the same array.
Fn: Function is the Function version of routines that are provided as both Functions and Subroutines, or without the extension the Function would have the same name as a Visual Basic reserved word.
Help: Private Subroutine serves no purpose other than to provide documentation.
InPlace: Routine returns a value via one or more arguments in addition to or in lieu of returning the value itself.
Matrix: Usually means that the primary argument is a two-dimensional array of Variants.
Multi: The routine performs some operation with each of the variable number of arguments.
Real: Routine (usually) only supports real (non-complex) numbers represented by one of the Visual Basic numeric data types.
Recursive: Routine supports one or more Variant arguments which can contain nested arrays of Variants.
Sample: Purpose of routine is to demonstrate the function of some other routine.
Simple: Simplified routine that provides fewer features than another related Function or Subroutine.
Sub: Subroutine is the Subroutine version of routines that are provided as both Functions and Subroutines, or without the extension the Subroutine would have the same name as a Visual Basic reserved word.
Test: Purpose of subroutine or function is to test the correctness of some other routine.
Values: Usually means that the function operates upon argument values of most any data type.
Vector: Usually means that the primary argument is a one-dimensional array of Variants.
Verify: Purpose of routine is to verify the behavior of another routine or built-in language element.


Is Entisoft Tools a Custom Control: (6/20/96) No, Entisoft Tools is not a "Custom Control (OCX)"--it is an "OLE Automation Server." It has no "visible" user interface (other than the title screens in the Shareware version). As opposed to the typical custom control that functions as one visible element of the overall user interface, Entisoft Tools is composed of several hundred functions like you might write to support your program. Entisoft Tools is an In-process OLE Automation Server (a DLL). To use it with Visual Basic (for example), you can either 1) establish a Reference to our library, then define an object using a statement like "Dim est As New EntisoftTools2_0.Application" or 2) use the CreateObject function to create an instance of it.

Brand Information Lost: (6/8/96) Had one problem where the Development version Branding information for the 32-bit version of Entisoft Tools got lost on Windows NT 4.0 Beta 2. Cause is unknown.

UnitsSvr and UnitsCGI on Windows NT with Internet Information Server (IIS) 2.0: (6/8/96) Had a problem in that UnitsCGI could not invoke UnitsSvr; would receive an Object Variable Not Set error message. Probable solution was moving the Entisoft Tools 32-bit DLL and UnitsSvr.EXE into the Windows System directory then re-registering them there.

Out Of Memory (Entisoft Tools Pro): (5/08/96) Received an "Out of Memory" while compiling the program. The solution was to split one very large function into separate functions.

Entisoft Units Windows Executable: (3/22/96) Had one report that when the user first ran the program under Windows NT 3.51, the fonts were very large and the Smaller Font menu item would not make them any smaller. Told the user how to manually set the Font Size through the INItialization (INI) file, because we were unable to test the problem under NT 3.51 at that time. We found no problem when we tested this under Windows NT 4.0.

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